
Mohamed Ashraf

Property Consultant at AGCO Properties

  • Agent License: 00000000
  • Tax Number: 00000000
  • Service Areas: Damac Hills 2
  • Specialties: Damac Hills 2 Specialist

Property Types

  • 100% Residential

Property Status

  • 100% Buy

Property Cities

  • 100% Dubai

About Mohamed Ashraf

Ashraf is a Residential Real Estate Broker in Dubai, Worked in the Real Estate Market in Egypt for 3 years , Was a top achiever in Egypt 1st & 2nd year , then moved to A start up company to work with top developers in The Egypt Market also ranked Number 3 out of 180 sales agent in his first year. Graduated from Antwerp University – Belgium with A+ Bachelor Degree in Maritime Transport and Business Administration. Now Ashraf is working as a relator in Dubai, Specialized in most Luxury Communities to build his name through ambitious and consisted hard working.

Language: English, Arabic

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